Top 10 Necessary Equipment For Women To Create a Home Gym

Who doesn’t love fitness? Who doesn’t like to achieve a bikini body? But, the problem is that every girl doesn’t love to go to the gym and they believe that achieving fitness isn’t possible without hitting the gym. Am I right?

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Definitely I’m right, because I’ve seen a lot of girls talking about this issue while jogging in the morning. The main problem of jogging is that it can’t help you to lose weight though it has some value in maintaining your weight. Last wednesday, I was talking to one of my neighbouring fat girls about this issue.

Each morning, she steps out to have a walk in the nearest botanical garden. I asked her about her weight. She becomes so anxious that I had to provide her some guidelines. First of all, I’ve asked her to get a membership of a famous gym. But, her reply was not so pleasant. It seems to her that gym is a suitable place to sell some supplements to the fat people. So, she becomes reluctant to go to the gym.

She was so unwilling to go to the gym that I didn’t dare to convince her to hit the gym again. So, I’ve shown her a magical way to transform her sleeping room from a traditional bedroom to an ideal home gym . If you’re also interested to complete your weight loss workouts at your home, then God Promise, this post will help you at least a little.

boost your energy

In order to promote your workouts and boost your energy when you are on your exercises at your home, you might need some equipment to perform all the necessary moves. You know, some exercises are not possible to get done without the required accessories as you must need a pair of shoes to run on the trail.

But, the very common issue in possessing those necessary equipment is that they even can cost you an arm and a leg if your check list is full with all the most modern and highly expensive gym stuffs. However, I’ve suggested her a few equipment which won’t compel her to break the bank. Including these budget gym accessories, here is a list of 10 equipment that you will definitely need to improve your daily workouts staying at your home.


When you are discussing about demanding more bounce each step, and obviously we do not mention about your chest as we all know that bouncing breast is one of the main exercise deterrent. It is indicated that 50% of women will complain about the chest muscles pain when they are doing workouts. This is a major problem that resists majority of the girls to continue their weight loss workouts.

The study conducted by the University of Portsmouth, England in 2007 indicated that breast might bounce up to 20 centimeters vertically. Moreover, they might move in and out or from this side to the other side which subsequently causing an aching, tissue – jostling as well as band – stretching pattern . That seems pretty pain.

So what the sports bra will be useful for?

Well, you see, encapsulation bras will hold each of the breast independently instead of crashing them inside to your body like what compression bras usually do. So, these bras are highly recommended to be used for high – impact practices like running, jumping on trampoline or rope skipping. If you use a bra of this category while performing your workouts, you won’t feel pain in your chest muscle.


These are great for home gym as well as traveling, rings are light and it might add another level of exercises to your daily routine of body weight loss procedure. Rings will offer you the capacity of raising the variety of your exercises by adding plenty of gymnastic exercises. When you are seeking for rings, ensure that you purchase for a brand that is light as well as easy to hang. Hanging on the rings is a great alternative of pull up workout in the gym.


This is another important device for the fat girls. Simply enter your health information such as height, age, weight into the watch and strap on the breast transmitter, so that this gadget will show you the amount of those calories which have been burned. Anytime, anywhere and any kind of exercise, this is a nice gym bibcock. Moreover, it is a crucial training equipment which aids in measuring your intensity via your heart rate’s response to workouts. So whether you are running as a workout or you might just want to burn off last night’s meals, you should deposit for a high quality heart – rate monitor.


Boxes are another great tool to help you build explosive power as well as quickness. You might use them for bench dips, squatting and many other non – jumping exercises. If you are able to build you own wooden box, that will be great or you might want to hire somebody to make a suitable box for you. In a pinch, you can walk down to the hardware store and buy an irrigation box.


Jumping rope will work for your coordination in a really big way. If you have just started it, you are recommended to purchase for a durable rope and you do not have to worry about the details. If you possess some jumping ability, you might look for a wire lightweight rope to start with timing and speed up or you might want a weighted rope to improve your strength. If you like to know the detailed benefits of jump rope before making your purchase, this post will cease your thirst .


This is another great tool for plyometric workouts and core strength movements. You are highly recommended to purchase one of the colorful medicine balls since whether you carrying it, throwing or practicing some abdominal exercises with the ball, this might offer you many options to burn your fat. Try to seek for a soft medicine ball to ensure that it would be forgiving when you practice some workouts which may involve throwing and catching.


It might not be considered as an important item by many fitness lovers hence its movement is quite similar to a dumbbell. However, you should keep in mind that some certain kettlebell movements are quite unique and in fact, some movements might work better or they might be more challenging with this equipment than with the dumbbell. You may consider having a kettlebell with big smooth handles as well as without a painted coating.


This can be considered as one of the most important home gym equipment that every health conscious woman should have. Barbells, similar to other free weights, are better than those machines at the gym that are highly expensive to do lat pull, triceps or biceps. A big thanks to its coordination and stabilization aspects that barbell can bring to your workouts. Try to seek for a sturdy bar. And if you have small hands, you should notice the diameter of the bar and take into consideration to buying a “women’s” bar.


It seems to most of the fitness lovers that music can cure anything. It can boost your energy or calm your mood which depends on the genres of that piece of music. They offer an indispensable training course which is distraction. You will be stronger, harder and longer as long as you are not distracted by some of other bothersome activities like labored breathing, sweating dripping on your face as well as sore muscles. Listening to upbeats and some certain genre of music might help you to raise the intensity as well as promote the workout fly by. Therefore, MP3 players will be a major player in this game. And the most ideal equipment is the portable music player. You even can use your smartphone as your amazing music player.


Many people will be afraid of scale when they are mentioned about it. It can be your worst enemy. However, at the same time, it can be your number one motivation as well when you are working on weight loss. You might be bound to be upset when you step up on the scale just to find out that your weight hasn’t changed much. Or sometimes, it might be worse, it has lifted up.

A standard scale will provide you plenty of beneficial information such as your total weight, weight excluding mineral etc. Whatever, since you might observe fluctuations in the water weight throughout the day, you might gain the muscles since you lose fat .

A body composition scale – one that measures your body fat percentage and total weight – will give you a clearer picture of the changes of your body. Even if your weight remains the same – or increases – you’ll see that you’re actually losing body fat and gaining muscle.

With these items and a little support from the YouTube, you could definitely generate plenty of good workouts by yourself without leaving your sweet home. You may become excited about YouTube. Yes, may don’t know how to do all the required exercises to burn your fat. In that case, you’ll get enough help from YouTube videos. The following video may show you some effective workouts to burn your fat.

However, if you cannot afford ten items at one go, you can slowly start it gradually by building your own gym step by step. You also should be aware of the fact that working out by yourself is not meant for everyone. Some people might purchase these items and never touch them since they find their own motivation with other people in the class. But, for those who want to concentrate and they are well self – motivated, investing into these gym stuffs will be much better than going to the gym.